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How to Learn to Sing in another Musical Genre? Nadel Paris

Changing your vocal style can be tricky.

  • You must be aware of the characteristics of the style you want to change to.

  • You must know how to practice singing differently.

  • You must be able to put your heart into the performance, singing authentically and naturally in the musical language of the new genre.

From practical experience of Nadel Paris an EDM artist, here are some steps for learning a new style:

  • LISTEN... to singers that have mastered the style in which you're interested. Immerse yourself in the rhythms, melodies, phrasing, vocal embellishments (licks), and articulation they are using.

  • DISSECT the performances - Where do the lyrics falls compare to the beat? Do they sing perfectly with the beat, do they "lay back" or are they "on top of it"? How often do they do vocal licks and what are typical licks they use? For instance, notice that pop & rock is often sung straighter than country or r&b.

  • MIME the song tracing the style. Go through the physical motions of singing with the master artist, but don't make a sound. It's important that you do this physically yet inaudibly. If your audience was deaf, let them see the words and the melody in your body language and face.

  • SING WITH the artist (audibly). Try to make sure you are tracing them exactly. If you can't do the vocal licks or runs well, get with a trusted vocal coach to learn vocal techniques that can help you do it.

  • SING WITHOUT the artist...with track-only music such as Karaoke tracks or piano/guitar work tapes.

  • RECORD yourself singing, either over the tracks or acappella. Play it back and assess your performance.

  • PERFORM ORIGINAL SONGS - get or write original material that is in that genre. This is where you will develop your inner connection with the style and can begin to truly deliver authentic performances.

Take the time to get real within the genre. You must paint other people's masterpieces before you can learn to paint your own, but you must make that transition to sing the genre in a way that you make it yours. How can you tell if you are doing it?

Ask yourself if you were able to perform the song naturally with good focus on the lyrics. If you are still not confident about singing the style, you will experience unfocused numbness, uneasy self consciousness or stage fright.

Look for feedback from an audience to your live or recorded performance. You can watch them listening to you for clues to how well you are moving them, and you can ask some of them who will be honest with you after your performance what they thought.

Listen to your own recording. Do you believe yourself?

If the answer to these three questions are yes, then congratulations! You have authentically learned a new style.

For more great vocal insight proven best on stage and in studio, read information provided by... Nadel Paris a professional singer/songwriter/producer/vocal instructor. Learn from a pro who's been where you want to go!

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